Graphic Design
COMD 316 section 3.
Mondays 4pm. Steuben 407

GD Assignment 01 : Concept Sketching
Friday, 29 August

We will spend an hour during the class making sketches from words and verbal ideas. We will then hang the sketches and talk about which ones effectively communicate the words and ideas that were presented.

Unique assignments will be given to each student based on the success of their sketches.

The following week we will have a class critique of near-final quality comprehensives (aka comps). The the third week the final assignment is due.

The third class, when the finals are due, each student will stand in front of their work and explain to the class why their piece communicates the idea they were assigned. Written statements that explain the concept behind the work what they were suppose to be communicating.

Grapefruits :

This assignment will result in 4 grades.

  1. [ A-F ] Concept
  2. [ A-F ] Visual Appeal
  3. [ A-F ] Production (How professionally your work is assembled and presented)
  4. [ A or F ] All deadlines met


  • 08 September : Assignment given, in class sketching
  • 15 September : Class critique of comprehensives
  • 22 September : Finals Due, written statements due.

Assignment :: Graphic Design


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