Visual Communications
COMD 202 section 6.
Tuesdays 9am. Steuben 407

Assignment 01 | Communication by Association
Tuesday, 20 January

An image’s meaning can be altered by the images it relates to.


Find or produce two images that communicate two separate ideas when viewed in isolation, and a third idea when they are viewed next to each other. The creation of the third message when the two images are hung next to each other can occur for various reasons:

  • Our cultural interpretation of the images’ separate messages are incompatible, and our mind tries to find a way to relate them.
  • Our cultural interpretation of the two images cause us to thing of a third cultural reference that is not suggested in either image when viewed separately
  • There is a visual gestalt or similarity that causes our minds to combine the two images and form a new message.
  • The two images form a narrative, or our minds create one to relate the two images — changing their original meanings.

Process and Materials


If your images are to be viewed along side each other, then the heights of your two images should be identical. Likewise, if your images are intended to be viewed on top of each other, then the widths should be identical.

Images should be mounted separately but retain the ability to hang them close to one another. All of your work should always be presented in a way that shows that you respect and think highly of your work.


  • Jan 20 : Assignment given
  • Jan 27 : Final due

Assignment :: Visual Communications

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