Information Architecture
COMD 311/312 section 1.
Mondays 4pm. Steuben 407

Cooking With Gas
Monday, 26 January

What is the best way to present a recipe?


Explain to user/viewer how to cook a meal.


Choose a recipe. It shouldn’t be too simple (pasta) or too complicated. If you are at a loss, deserts tend to make good choices (like cheesecake or lemon curd). Making a soufflé is another good choice.

Develop the best possible form and presentation so the user of your solution finds making the dish easy and pleasurable. This is a delicate balance. If you make it too easy, the joy of actually making something is diminished — and the same holds true for making the process to difficult and frustrating.

Think of this as something you might buy and bring home to cook this dish, or just a brilliant re-imagining of the common cookbook.

Media and Materials

Completely open.


On February 16th you will give your solution to a classmate, and you will receive one of your classmate’s solutions. Your assignment for the next week is to make the meal described in your classmate’s project, and either take photos of the end result, or bring it into class. You will also fill out a survey, rating your classmate’s solution.


26 Jan : Assignment given.
2 Feb : Sketches due
9 Feb : Rough comp due
16 Feb : Refined comp due
23 Feb : Testing surveys due
1 Mar : Final due.


[A-F] Production
[A-F] Concept
[A-F] Composition
[A-F] Usability
[A-F] Clarity
[NG,C,F] Dealines

Assignment :: Information Architecture

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