Graphic Design
COMD 316 section 3.
Mondays 4pm. Steuben 407

Monday, 02 February

The first project that you will be doing with your chosen company is create a new identity for them.


Create a mark or type treatment that communicates what your company does. Apply this mark to a stationary set (letterhead, business card, envelope)


The mark should be able to be read when it is very small (1/4 inch square) and should be able to be reproduced in one color ( — meaning, that if your mark is multicolor, you should also have a single color version). It should be able to live on a white or a black background.

Media and Process



2 Feb: Assignment given
9 Feb: Sketches due
16 Feb: Comps of stationary due
23 Feb: Final Due

Assignment :: Graphic Design


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prof (at)

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