Information Architecture
COMD 311/312 section 1.
Mondays 4pm. Steuben 407

Queue Management
Monday, 12 April

Design an interface for managing a rental queue for a site like Netflix.

The Problem


Queue management is fairly complex, especially in a two-person household like mine. For example, I went out of town. Suddenly philippe needed to get all “his” movies to the top of the queue. However, once I get back, we want to sprinkle a combination of his, mine and ours. We also go through moods— comedies, classics, french. We also watch old series sometimes, like the avenger, and unlike other movies, it is not okay if the second disk comes before the first.

The Assignment

Design a web based interface that will let the user do the following:

  • Rearrange their queues
  • Assign labels/metadata to their queues (ie, Philippe’s movies, Movie Night movies, ect.)
  • Be able to use that metadata for rearrangement
  • Designate which movies should never be sent before other movies (ie, series of movies should come in order). You need this because you sometimes will not get your movies in the order of your queue if a given film is unavailable.
  • Visually show enough information that the user feels empowered and not overwhelmed.


The interface should be composed as a plan. Ideally this means that you present sample screens, with information describing how the interaction works.

You are looking to solve an interaction design problem, and not to re-design a page on a particular website.


*12 April Assignment Given
*19 April Sketches Due
*26 April Rough Comps Due
*03 May Last class, Final Due

Assignment :: Information Architecture


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prof (at)

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