
Tuesday, 20 January

This class is taught by me, James Spahr. The following is some information that you will find useful since you are currently a student in one of my classes.


Admin :: Graphic Design :: Information Architecture :: Visual Communications

Room Change
Thursday, 02 October

Next week’s class will be held in Steuben 400 (instead of Steuben 407).

Admin :: Visual Communications

Senior Project
Thursday, 28 August

The first class for senior project I (graphic design) will be held on September 3rd, 2003. This class is taught by Professor Spahr and Professor McGinn.

6pm in Steuben Hall, 4th floor. Currently we do not have a room assigned.

Admin :: Senior Project


Thursday, 28 August

The first class for information architecture I & II (classes are running concurrently) will be held on September 8th, 2003

7pm in Steuben Hall, room 407.

Admin :: Information Architecture

Graphic Design
Thursday, 28 August

The first class for graphic design I will be held on September 8th, 2003

4pm in Steuben Hall, room 407.

Admin :: Graphic Design