tis the season indeed. i hope that all is well with you. as you suspected i
am not in chicago anymore. i am living in indiana doing my reasearch--hanging
out with the amish. things are going well though i am eager to finish up with
school--which will be about a year. one nice thing though is that being in a
program of anthropology i know people who are all over the world now, doing
their research like me. so, in the next year i will be spending several weeks
in nigeria and a week in milan. i also have friends in cuba and china so i
hope to be able to swing trips there as well. i also have a cohort member in
nepal, but dont thing that will happen unfortunately. this traveling will end
up adding a bit more time to my research/dissertation time, but i think i cant
pass up the opportunity.
i have been dating a girl i met at the university of chicago for three years
now, though i think our relationship will be ending shortly. she just moved
back east to be near her family and to find work in/around nyc. we are
discussing the whole thing now, but it does not look promising. hold on to
your bonnets, amish girls--there's a single guy in town--a real bad boy type--i
'm wearing buttons.
recently i did see sophia suhu in chicago before her move to the pacific
northwest. i had been in touch with brian demers just before he moved from his
job at alladin in TN. naomi has one child and i think another on the way (but
i am not sure). i talked to theresa canning recently as she moved back to nyc
while john is finishing things up in california. thats about all of the pratt
news. though, my dentist friend gary and i went to nicaragua earlier in the
year for 10 days to help build a womens clinic there--it was a group organized
by my undergrad school--bucknell. gary is still terribly single however.