A client has asked you to promote a public lecture that her newly formed non-profit is sponsoring. The client also needs an identity. A local printer has donated some paper and some time on one of his 2 color presses, and a member of the non-profit has offered to put together a website, but needs to know how the site should look.
Your non-profit client is either:
a) The Green Apple A group whose purpose is to promote rooftop gardens, and the greening of New York City. They are having Steven Peck ( who is Director of Green Roofs for Healthy cities, a Toronto-based coalition of construction companies that manufacture and install green roofing materials) speak on March 19th at the Ford Foundation. He will be talking about the ecological advantages of rooftop gardens. (more info: http://www.greenroofs.com/new_york_sun.htm )
b) Gotham Bee Keepers A group whose purpose is to promote and help the community of bee keepers in New York City. They are having David Graves speak on the south side of the great lawn in Central Park on April 5th. He will be speaking about the joys of raising bees in NYC. (more info: http://www.xensei.com/users/alwine/cityroof.htm )
The local printer has donated 750 sheets of 80 pound cover Fox River Sundance (25" x 38"), smooth finish ( http://www.foxriverpaper.com/ ). The printer is willing to do 2 makereadies on a two color press, and would really prefer not to run the same side of a sheet through twice.
The client would like to be able to get business cards, folders and materials she can use to promote the lecture out of the donated printing services (Posters, hand-outs, mailings -- she wants you to tell her what she needs). She figures that since the printer is only printing cover stock that her letterhead and envelopes will need to be black and white only, since she'll print them out of her laser printer as she needs them.
The website will be very simple. A home page with a chronological news listing, a page with links to internet resources, and an archives page that will let the user get to past news.
What exactly is due
1. Logo
2. Letterhead
3. Envelope
4. Business Card
5. Folders
6. Promotional items for the lecture
7. A style guide for the website.
1. Logo -- the logo should be simple, direct and memorable. It needs to work in black and white only and should be able to survive a trip through a fax machine.
2 + 3. Letterhead/ Envelope -- Black and white only. Make up a name, address, email address, and phone number for your fictional client.
4. Business Card -- same as above, but can be in color, depending on how you use you printing resources.
5. Folders -- as simple as a folded sheet of cover stock. You are not going to be able to do any gluing so you need some form of folded paper that will allow the client to make hand out materials and stick them inside. Ultimately all the client needs is a way to contain letter sized materials, this does not actually need to be a folder.
6. Promotional items for the lecture -- You will need a way to speak to many people. This could be a poster, a direct mailing piece, or anything you think off. Keep in mind that the paper can be cut down after printing into multiple items.
7. Website -- a simple photoshop mock-up that shows how the logo, name and navigation should be placed on the site.
Jan 27
First class, assignment given
Feb 3 (week 2)
Sketches for logo
Sketches for folder
Ideas for promotional items & how the paper will be used
Feb 10 (week 3)
Comp of logo, business card, letterhead
Comp of folder
Sketches for promotional items
Feb 17 (week 4)
Final of logo, business card & letterhead
Final of folder
Refinement of promotional items
Sketches of website
Feb 24 (week 5)
Final of promotional items
Final of website
March 3 (week 6)
Presentation of all materials. Each student will spend 5 minutes talking about their work.
A written statement is due that explains the reasoning behind your design and how your solution solves the problem. Please explain what you think the strengths and weaknesses of your design are.
This project will result in 9 grades.
[A - F] Production. How neat, professional, and organized your final work is.
[A - F] Logo Concept.
[A - F] Promotional Items Concept.
[A - F] Identity Mechanics. How usable and functional is your identity system? (includes folder)
[A - F] Website Mechanics. How usable and functional is your website? Does it work with your identity?
[A or C] Effective use of resources.
[A, C or F] All deadlines met. ( C means everything was finished on March 3rd, but another deadline was missed). I expect a good faith effort to complete everything on time.
[A - AVG] (x2) Creativity. Is there something unique and special with your proposed solution? (This grade will be equal to or higher than the average of the other 7 grades).
James - this is brilliant. Much more interesting than the work I had in design school. (God, 10 years ago now?!) Although I should be working on finding work (new business and all) I'm really tempted on giving this assignment a shot myself.
Fun fun fun!
January 27, 2003 01:34 PM