Class Procedures

Welcome to Graphic Design II ( COMD 316, Section 3 ). Taught by Visiting Instructor James Spahr. This is a 2 credit, mandatory class for graphic design majors.

Attendance is mandatory. Two unexcused absences results in a letter grade reduction of your final grade. Three unexcused absences results in a failing grade for the semester. Three late arrivals is equivalent to one unexcused absence.

Class is held every Monday at 4pm.

Deadlines given on assignments are there for a reason. If your assignments are unjustifiably late, the grade for that assignment will reflect your failure to respect the deadline given. If you can not make a deadline, at the very least you should be able to show what you have done, where you ran into problems, and have thoughts as to how you can complete your work.

Showing up empty handed to class does not help anyone. If you share the problems you are having, I can help.

Grading. Multiple grades will be issued for different aspects of an assignment. I am doing this because I feel this system will better represent the quality of your work.

Contact. I can be reach via email at james (at) I can be telephoned during normal business hours at 212.979.0300. News and assignments can also be obtained at the following website ( ).

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