Assignment 02 | An Altered Mind

Your client is PBS. They are funding a series of television programs that will air in May 2003 and have asked you to create some promotional materials. The television series is called "An Altered Mind" and concerns itself with explaining the neurobiology of learning disorders. Each show in the series will focus on a single learning disability.

For each show, PBS wants 4 items: a teaser poster, a announcement poster, a 15 second teaser on-air spot, and a 30 second on-air scheduling promo. You will do all 4 items for a single learning disability. You can choose between two learning disabilities: dyslexia or ADHD.


1. Teaser Poster: 11 x 17 inches. Full color. The purpose it to generate interest in the series, and make people wonder about it. Should contain the name of the learning disorder and following words "An Altered Mind, coming to your local PBS station in May 2003"

2. Teaser on-air spot: 15 seconds, NTSC (aprox 640x480). The purpose it to generate interest in the series, and make people wonder about it. Should contain the name of the learning disorder and following words "An Altered Mind, coming to your local PBS station in May 2003"

3. Announcement Poster: 18 x 24 inches. Full color. The purpose it to make people aware of when the show is airing, and make them want to watch it. Should contain the name of the learning disorder and following words "An Altered Mind, the neurobiology of learning disorders" and "May 18 2003, check your local PBS listings"

4. Scheduling on-air spot: 30 seconds, NTSC (aprox 640x480). The purpose it to make people aware of when the show is airing, and make them want to watch it. Should contain the name of the learning disorder and following words "An Altered Mind, the neurobiology of learning disorders" and "May 18 2003, check your local PBS listings"


Posters should be presented as ink on paper. Videos may be presented as tight story boards (each frame represents 2 seconds of time) with descriptions and audio notes, or as moving video. Moving video can be presented via VHS tape or as a Macintosh compatible video file (quicktime is best).


Your goal should be to find the most interesting and/or direct way to represent what the leaning disability is about. What happens in the brain? How does that effect someone's perception? How is this different from "normal" ? Remember the series is about the neurobiology of the disorder -- they are explaining how the disorder functions, and your design should reflect that.


March 03
Assignment Given

March 10
Spring Break

March 17 (week 1)
Midterm Review, individual meetings.
Sketches for all 4 items are due.

March 24 (week 2)
Comps of either the posters, or the videos -- sketches for everything (including discarded ideas)

March 31 (week 3)
Comps of all 4 items

April 7 (week 4)
Finals due, class presentations, written statement due.


This assignment will result in 6 grades.

[A-F] (x2) Concept.
[A-F] Production.
[A-F] Composition.
[A-F] Effective use of motion as a design element.
[A,C or F] All Deadlines met.




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